1 Oct 2024

How to Reduce Rejections and Boost Profitability

How to Reduce Rejections and Boost Profitability

Rejections in the food supply chain can be incredibly time-consuming and costly. For food manufacturers, grower shippers, brokers, and wholesalers, every rejection represents a loss in profit, wasted resources, and potential damage to your reputation. The key to reducing rejections lies in identifying the root causes and implementing strategies that increase visibility, communication, and control over your supply chain. A modern solution like Loamy is designed to help you overcome these challenges, ensuring that your products meet specifications, food safety standards are upheld, and costly rejections are minimized.

The Impact of Rejections on Your Bottom Line

Rejections are more than just a logistical issue—they directly impact your profitability. When a shipment is rejected, you face lost revenue, potential storage costs, and the expense of re-routing or disposing of rejected products. Beyond the financial hit, repeated rejections can lead to strained relationships with buyers and a loss of trust in your brand. Reducing rejections not only saves money but also improves your company's overall efficiency and reputation in the market.

Common Reasons for Rejections

Understanding why products are rejected in the first place is crucial to finding solutions. Some of the most common reasons include:

  1. Product Not Meeting Specifications: A significant cause of rejections is a mismatch between what was ordered and what was delivered. This often happens due to poor communication and collaboration between teams. When the harvesting team is unaware of specific product requirements, the produce may not meet the buyer’s expectations in terms of size, color, or freshness.
  2. Missing or Incorrect Food Safety Documentation: Compliance with food safety regulations is critical, and missing or incomplete documentation is a common reason for rejections. If the necessary certifications, traceability records, or safety reports aren’t submitted correctly, the entire shipment can be rejected, even if the product itself is in perfect condition.
  3. Reefer Temperature Issues: Temperature-sensitive products must be stored and transported within strict temperature ranges to maintain freshness and safety. If the reefer temperature is too high or fluctuates, it can spoil the product before it reaches its destination, leading to rejections due to spoilage or quality degradation.
  4. Poor Product Quality Awareness Before Shipping: Not fully understanding the quality of the product before it is shipped is another major contributor to rejections. Harvesting teams may be unaware of plant stress or quality issues that develop during production, leading to the shipment of subpar products.

Strategies to Reduce Rejections

To minimize rejections, companies need to implement a more streamlined, data-driven approach to managing their supply chain. Here are some strategies that can help:

Provide Clear Product Specifications to Harvesting Teams: Ensure that all stakeholders involved in the production and harvesting process have access to accurate product specifications. This will help prevent misunderstandings and ensure that the product meets the buyer’s expectations. Loamy offers a simple, centralized platform that allows you to easily share detailed product specs with your team, ensuring alignment from field to shipment.

Simplify Food Safety Documentation: Managing food safety documentation can be a cumbersome process, but it’s crucial for avoiding rejections. Loamy simplifies this process by providing an easy way for growers to submit and share compliance documents. With all documentation organized and easily accessible, you reduce the risk of missing or incorrect paperwork leading to rejected shipments.

Monitor and Track Reefer Temperature: Reefer temperature tracking is essential for preventing spoilage during transport. With Loamy, you can track and monitor the temperature of your shipments in real-time, ensuring that the product remains within the proper temperature range. Early alerts allow you to take corrective action before the product is compromised.

Use Data to Assess Product Quality Before Shipping: With tools like Loamy, your agronomist team can assess plant stress before harvesting, giving you a clear picture of product quality. By using satellite imagery and data-driven insights, you can ensure that only the best quality produce is harvested and shipped, reducing the likelihood of rejection.

Identify Additional Buyers: In some cases, even if a product does not meet the original buyer’s specifications, it can still be sold to other buyers, such as processors.

How Loamy Can Help

Loamy is designed to tackle these challenges head-on. By providing a platform that enhances communication, streamlines compliance, and offers data-driven insights, Loamy helps food manufacturers, grower shippers, brokers, and wholesalers reduce rejections and improve profitability.

With Loamy, you can:

  1. Share real-time product specifications with your team, ensuring everyone is aligned on buyer expectations.
  2. Simplify food safety documentation processes, reducing the risk of compliance-related rejections.
  3. Monitor reefer temperatures during transit, preventing spoilage and maintaining product quality.
  4. Use satellite imagery and agronomic data to assess crop quality before harvesting, ensuring you’re shipping the best possible product.
  5. Find alternative buyers quickly to prevent total loss in case of a rejection.


Reducing rejections is key to improving your bottom line and maintaining strong relationships with your buyers. By addressing common rejection causes—such as miscommunication, missing documentation, reefer temperature issues, and poor product quality awareness—you can reduce costs and ensure that your shipments meet the highest standards.

Loamy offers the tools and solutions necessary to make this possible. With a modern, integrated platform that supports better communication, compliance, and quality control, you can reduce your rejection rate and maximize profitability. Now is the time to adopt a solution like Loamy and take control of your supply chain.
