26 Sep 2024

Preparing for FSMA 204

Preparing for FSMA 204

The Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) 204 is rapidly approaching, and food manufacturers, grower shippers, brokers, and wholesalers need to be prepared. This critical regulation requires enhanced traceability for certain high-risk foods, making it essential for companies to adopt traceability solutions that ensure compliance. As we move closer to the deadline, having a system in place that not only supports compliance but also streamlines your operations is paramount. Loamy is working with businesses across the food supply chain to help them get ready for FSMA 204, providing the tools they need to stay ahead of the curve.

Early Adoption of a Traceability Solution

Preparing for FSMA 204 starts with being proactive. By adopting a traceability solution early, your company can ensure it meets the requirements long before the deadline. Waiting until the last minute can lead to rushed implementations, errors, and possible non-compliance, which could result in costly fines or disruptions to your operations. Loamy’s platform allows you to integrate traceability into your supply chain processes seamlessly, making the transition smoother.

Traceability is more than just a regulatory checkbox; it’s an investment in the future of your business. By implementing a solution now, you not only ensure that you’ll be compliant, but you’ll also improve your overall efficiency, reduce risks, and gain a competitive advantage over companies that haven’t started preparing yet.

Visibility into Specific Lots

One of the most critical elements of FSMA 204 is the requirement to trace product throughout the supply chain. In the event of a recall or food safety issue, being able to pinpoint the source of contamination quickly is crucial. With Loamy, you can track every lot of produce or product through each stage of the supply chain, ensuring full visibility.

Having this level of transparency means you can respond swiftly to any potential issues, reducing the impact of recalls or contamination events. Additionally, it helps build trust with your customers, who are increasingly demanding to know where their food comes from. Loamy’s platform makes this traceability simple and ensures you’re always prepared with the data needed to comply with FSMA 204.

Increasing Number of Recalls

According to AARP, food recalls have increased by 27.6% over the past few years. This rise in recalls makes it more important than ever to have better visibility into your supply chain to prevent future incidents. By using a solution like Loamy, companies can monitor and trace every step of their product’s journey from farm to fork.

Adopting an advanced traceability system ensures that any contamination, mislabeling, or quality issues are caught early, before the product reaches the customer. This level of control helps you not only reduce the risk of recalls but also strengthens your brand’s reputation for safety and reliability. Prevention is key, and Loamy’s traceability tools give you the insights you need to mitigate risks before they turn into full-scale recalls.

Streamline Documentation for Food Safety

Managing documentation for each order is an enormous challenge, especially as the complexity of food safety regulations continues to grow. Keeping track of safety certifications, lot records, and traceability documentation can become overwhelming. Without a proper system, your food safety team might end up being a bottleneck, slowing down sales and operations.

Loamy offers a centralized platform that keeps all documentation in one place, making it easy to access when needed. Whether it’s for an internal audit or responding to a customer query, having everything in one place ensures that your food safety team can support your business rather than slow it down. You can also easily share the documentation with your customers through the Loamy platform so you don't have to attach 300 pages of documentation through an email. By adopting a solution that handles documentation automatically, you’ll ensure smooth compliance and enable your team to focus on more value-adding tasks.

Communicating the Origin of Your Product

Today’s consumers want to know where their food comes from, and being able to communicate this information transparently can set your business apart. FSMA 204 will require companies to keep detailed records about the origins of their products, and being able to share this information can be a powerful marketing tool.

Loamy’s traceability solution allows you to provide detailed data on each lot, so you can easily show customers exactly where their food was grown, processed, and shipped. This transparency builds trust and can help differentiate your products from competitors. In a market where food safety and sustainability are increasingly top of mind for consumers, adopting a traceability solution not only ensures compliance but also gives you a competitive edge.


Preparing for FSMA 204 is no small task, but with the right tools and strategies in place, your company can not only meet the requirements but thrive in this new regulatory landscape. Early adoption of a traceability solution like Loamy will ensure that your business is compliant with the upcoming regulations, while also improving overall efficiency and visibility into your supply chain.

From tracking specific lots to streamlining documentation and reducing the risk of recalls, Loamy is here to help food manufacturers, grower shippers, brokers, and wholesalers stay ahead of the curve. Don’t wait until the deadline is looming—start preparing for FSMA 204 today, and give your business the best chance for success.

With Loamy’s traceability tools, you can turn compliance into a competitive advantage. Reach out today to learn more about how we can help you get FSMA 204 compliant and set your business up for long-term success.
